Wednesday 10 October 2007

Q of the week: Who do I miss?

Well as Indilwen, I miss my father. I never knew what it was like to grow up with a father and even more I feel I am missing my elven roots. I never will know the stories and lessons my father would have taught me and that feels like a part of me is missing.

As Ali, I miss my mum of course. It's 20 years since she passed and as I get closer to the age at which she died I appreciate her and understand her a lot more than I did at 24.
Of course, like Father Quont's scribe, I also miss my granny, however, since she lived to 87 it doesn't feel so much like unfinished business and whilst I miss having her around, I feel she had a long happy healthy life. She made a huge difference in the lives of people around her and I was very very lucky to have even known her, never mind have inherited some genes from such a special person and hope I have inherited some of her traits.
I also miss someone that I pushed away whilst my mum was ill and wasn't taking things very well. I know you can never go down the path you didn't take but sometimes I feel he was my soulmate, I just couldn't communicate anything with anyone at that time and wanted to be left alone. On the other hand I do believe that "what is for you won't go by you" so possibly he wasn't. You have to be philosophical about that stuff don't you?